quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010


Supercomputers are computers with a high speed memory processing and storage. is used mostly in scientific research, military areas, chemical industries, nuclear power plants.
In turn, eventually turning cliche sci-fi movie.
Its clock runs our reality, here's more information about some of the most powerful computers in the world the Blue Gene / L and ASC Purple.

Blue Gene / L

The Blue Gene / L is currently the fastest supercomputer in the world, reaching 360 Teraflops impressive with its 65,536 processors, also running a lightweight version of Linux. It is a collaborative project between IBM, the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and the Department of North American Energy, and uses a cell design that can be expanded by adding blocks, without the risk of bottlenecks arising from such growth.

Recently the Blue Gene / L has been in the news when a group of scientists ran a simulation of the cerebral cortex of the complexity of half a mouse brain. But make no mistake, we're talking about eight million neurons, each with 8000 nerve connections. When there is simulating a brain of a mouse, the Blue Gene / L is mainly used in the simulation of biochemical processes involving proteins.

ASC Purple

The ASC Purple was born of a collaboration between the Lawrence Livermore Labs and IBM. Its peak processing is 100 Teraflops through a redundant network of 196 servers IBM Power5 SMP, containing a total of 12,544 processors, 50 terabytes of memory and 2 petabytes of storage capacity on disk.

The ASC Purple is currently being used to run performance simulations of nuclear weapons, which would normally be tested by underground detonations.

Only to facilitate Teraflop is a measure to calculate the capacity of supercomputers that means, Floating point Operations Per Second. =D

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